Monday, January 21, 2008


Previous post I talked about Happiness, I think there is something to be said for happiness and sunshine working together.

People need sunshine I know what the medical industry says about the sun and to a degree there is some validity to what they say about over exposure however our bodies were designed to get vitamin D from the sun. We have to be smart about our exposure but we cant hide totally from the sun.

People who seem to get out more and enjoy the sun are less likely to be depressed and have a better outlook on life in general. There seems to be a correlation between sun exposure and happiness. I know that people who live in climates where the sun is gone for parts of the year seem to have a tendency to be more depressed . Sometimes they call it cabin fever stuck inside for long periods of time due to weather. To offset this you can buy special bulbs for your light fixtures that will give off light more like the sun this goes a long way to improving your mood,or just move to a sunny climate, just kidding of course.

In today's society happiness can be acquired thru the pharmacy it's easy to go to a doctor and get pills to make yourself happy but is that a true happiness or just contrived. I wouldn't presume to speak for all persons I am sure there are people who need a little boost with medications for a short term but in the long run you need to eat right,exercise and surround yourself with the right people keep a positive attitude get some sun and you will feel much better and be happier.Till next time

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