Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Health spending

The money consumers spend on health care is phenomenal. In 2007 as a nation we spent 2.2 trillion dollars and in ten years that number is expected to double. How do we combat this?

We need to take more responsibility for our own health. Taking pills and injections are not always the best answer. As I have posted in previous blogs it is up to us to determine whats right for us. Eating the right foods and exercising is very important this alone would help with the cost of health care.

You don't have to be so structured that you can't have fun with doing the right thing for your body that yes sometimes you can splurge and eat junk food but you can't do it all time and expect to feel good. Eating correctly and exercising will go a long way to improving your health so that you probably wouldn't have to take so much medication or see the doctor as much. That would save you lots of money and time. Just a thought. Till next time

Friday, February 22, 2008

Joint pain

It's seems to have been awhile since I put down some thoughts however I did need the vacation.

Speaking of vacation we usually get out of our normal routines when we take time off this is not beneficial in some areas of our bodies. We tend to do things that we are not used to doing and this can cause stresses in our bodies. Vacations are great we need time away from our normal everyday routines but we need not over do it physically,do things in moderation our start small and build up to more vigorous vacationing.

When we over do we can hurt ourselves and when you get joint pain it can wreak havoc on the rest of your time off. If you have joint pain all the time any way it probably stems from many things and diet could be one. I was reading an article concerning this and it said to try tart cherry juice. Tart cherry juice can be bought at health food stores but it can't have any added fructose too much sugar is not good for your joints. Leave sugar alone such as soda's and any thing that is high in processed fructose and you will be doing your joints a favor. Enjoy your time away from normal routines but do it wisely. Till next time

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happiness and music

Did you ever have one of those days when the things of life just seemed to weigh you down and stressed you to the max. I think we have all had those however you can get out of this funk. One of the best ways is to listen to some up beat music. Music does wonders for your soul and your well being. Listening to music that has good rythum and beat will improve your day it does'nt matter how bad you think things are when you really listen to the music and let it get into the real you it starts to make your foot tap and before you know it you have left the stress behind and suddenly your immersed into a place of joy and the problems of the day don't seem so bad. Try a little music to bring you to a happier place in your life let the stress go you will feel better and live longer and healthier. Till next time

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Alzheimer's Test

I went to a meeting last night and a local doctor was speaking about Alzheimer's and during his talk a couple of interesting things came up. One there is no definitive test to check for Alzheimer's that will give conclusive evidence of this disease until a post mortam autopsy is done.

However he has had success with two simple tests to determine if this disease is starting in someones life. First have the person draw a clock,a round circle then put the numbers in the right positions this can be difficult for a person starting to have some symptoms of Alzheimers. Second ask the person to name as many 4 legged animals as they can in 1 minute. The usual number will be about 15 for the average adult. If the list is quite a bit lower this could also indicate some problems.

Most people don't recognize the symptoms soon enough for the new medications that are available to work as effectively as they could. So if you have a loved one who you think might be showing some signs of cognitive impairment give them these simple tests and see if you can't get them some help sooner rather than later. Till next time

Monday, February 11, 2008


Interesting article in todays newspaper regarding the flu virus. Not surprising that the flu shot that was given for this years outbreak of flu is only about 50% effective. They didn't match the vaccine to the flu strains that are prevelant this year.

I would say that on any given year there is a 50/50 chance that they woulnd't match seeing as how the virus mutes so quickly. To my way of thinking why take the chance of injecting into your body the virus even if it is supposedly a dead strain to ward off the symptons of the flu.

If you are some what healthy and eat right and wash your hands often while out in public places your chances of getting the flu virus are probably not all that great.

Scientist are already gathering to put together a formula for next years vaccine hope its better than this years but there again there is that 50/50/ factor.

The key to all of this is simple eat right, exercise and try to stay away from compromising situations too your health, says easy does hard. Till next time

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Heart

The month of February is American Heart Month. Too many people over look thier heart in their own physical examination. We should keep our hearts healthy by walking, a moderate amount of walking say just 15 minutes a day will help your heart tremendously. Heart disease today can be prevented. Women need to get this message get out and exercise and walk reguarly. There is a web site you can visit to check this out and get a check up. Do something good for your Valentine. Did I forget to mention February is the month that has a special red letter heart in it. February 14th is that day so do something good for yourself and your special someone visit the web site and stay healthy for each other. Till next time

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Prescription Drugs

What a society we live in where seemingly healthy young people die from prescription medication.

Look at the news just recently about a young actor Heath Ledger 29 years old looked to be in good shape physically from the photos shown on the news programs just before his death. How does this happen to such gifted and talented people?

I think it is a shame that doctors would prescribe so many medicines for a seemingly healthy person maybe he did have numerous issues but I don't think over medicating is the where with all answer. Too many people mix legal drugs in their system and it causes addtional health issues. It is too easy these days to get the so called quick fix for are small discomfort that we are having. They have a pill for just about anything that ails us, but what about the interaction with other drugs that might already be in our system. More education needs to done concerning medication interaction.

The truth be told we probably don't need have the medications that are prescribed,if we would eat right and exercise and do things that would enhance us mentally and physically we wouldn't have to take pills to make us supposedly feel better or help us sleep or just take the edge off of feeling a little ill. We need to get back to taking control of our own lives and stop letting drug companies do it. They really don't know each of us and drugs react differently in people. Doctors try to do what they can with each of us individually but I don't think they realize all the dangers in certain medications especially if we are seeing more than one doctor.

Moral of the story take control of yourself as stated previously treat yourself better and you might not need medication so there is no chance for error. Till next time