Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Alzheimer's/Gray hair

I hope some of these articles are thought provoking I'm sure some are not however it's fun to sit here at the keyboard and put down thoughts and ideas on interesting topics .

Today I was thinking about gray hair and its affect on Alzheimer's. Gray hair is generally thought to be an inherited trait something in our DNA strand that comes from the genes of our linage. Could this be the case with Alzheimer's and dementia could something in our families history be the cause. I think it's quite possible but more studies need to be done in this area to look at this in more depth could a study be done with mice. White mice and gray mice could be used in the study to see if there is any correlation to my theory,testing genetics to see if my thinking is in the right direction.

On a lighter note I hope now that we are into the 4th week of the new year that we are doing well. Exercising daily eating the right foods and keeping a positive attitude this will go a long way to keeping our bodies in good shape but we can't for get about our minds we need to exercise it also so even if we are genetically supposed toward Alzheimer's we might be able to stave it off for a period of time. Good luck Till next time

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