Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Drug Use

A few thoughts on drug use, I was reading an article on the use of drugs in America, was surprised to see that prescription drugs caused more deaths in our country than illegal drugs.

Illegal drugs accounted for 10 to 20 thousand deaths approx. per year while prescribed medications were the cause of 100 thousand deaths that a wide range. Same article showed that 2 million people suffered severe complications from thier medication. I think a lot of times Doctors do the best they can with the information they have been supplied with from the drug representatives and or the manufactures of the drugs, however I think too much drug interaction with other drugs takes place in our bdies causing these problems. Phamacist's go a long way in helping to understand this interaction I think before taking many different meds we should check with a phamacist to see of adverse interaction they have the knowledge about medicines and are kept up to date on new items and technology. Our best bet is to eat right, exerise and get the proper amount of sleep.

Having said all that its about taking better care of yourself from top to bottom inside and out that way we shouldn't have to take so many medications lessening the chance for med errors in our bodies. Here's to you Till next time.

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