Thursday, January 17, 2008

Alzheimer's and MSG

I was listening to talk radio today some interesting things with all the political speak but something else caught my attention.
Socialized Medicine, seems that this country is going steadily toward this endeavor I don't think this is a good idea but there are at least two sides to everything so I am open to others opinions would like to hear other points of view. Let me know what you think .
Some new information today concerning MSG in the foods that we eat seems that there is MSG in a lot of products that we buy but it's been disguised so as not to appear to be. A lot of food has MSG naturally occurring so how much is too much and how much does our body need, if it is in certain vegetables and yeast products it would seem that we need some of it.
MSG has been tested in the laboratory and it shows some detrimental issues too the brain mostly in younger brains however it could have some affect on senior citizens.
Is there a correlation between MSG and Alzheimer's ? Just thinking perhaps maybe more in depth studies need to be done . Till next time

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