Saturday, January 19, 2008


There has been a lot said lately about happiness. I think one of the television news magazines Dateline did a story on this recently.

I have been thinking about this for quite awhile ,I think happiness is different for everyone and every ones perception is their own reality. If you are generally a happy person it shows and this is also true for those who are unhappy.

Happiness and health seem to run in correlation with each other. It seems happy people are healthier and tend to live longer. How each of us finds happiness is different for some its family others its work still others its exercise or many other things that we immerse ourselves into or combination of things there is no right way or wrong way to happiness.

The path to happiness for some is short for others the journey is long and arduous but its a journey worth taking even if its incrimental steps for in the long run it will effect your wellbeing.

Life is too short to be unhappy it makes you miserable and the people around you miserable and they will usually try to avoid being in that situation. So look for ways to make yourself happy and in so doing you will feel better and the people around will feel better also its a win win for all.

Happy you . Till next time Don

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