Monday, January 14, 2008

Alzheimer's vs Dementia

New day new start to the work week looks to be another good one. In keeping with the context of the previous blog my thoughts went from Alzheimer's to Dementia.

As we grow older our minds seem to loose some of its for lack of a better word its elasticity. Things that we could remember easily as a youngster seem to fade as we get older such as dates,names,places. For some it is sudden but for the majority of us its very slow and gradual it kind of sneaks up on you,stalking first from a great distance but coming ever closer as the years grow on us. We start by seeing a face but cant remember the name and so the progression grows next its the face and so on.
Alzheimer's Disease can only truly be diagnosed after death during an autopsy, I think many times we use the word Alzheimer's when we just mean dementia which is a nice modern word for senility. This is just the aging process I don't think we were meant to retain everything we learned as we were growing . We learn something new everyday the brain is only so big it must release somethings to let important things in. So let some of the trivial things go so you can remember the important things such as your anniversary or your spouses birthday. That would make life so much better don't you think? Till next time

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