Sunday, January 13, 2008


Some thoughts on Alzheimers Disease and sugar. I recently read an article concerning sugar and its impact on the brain. Research at the University of Alabama has shown that mice that ingested 10% sugar water vs mice that didn't had a 17% better chance of getting amyloid plaque deposits which is a link to Alzheimers. Now I know your going to say well 10% sugar water in mouse seems like a lot compared to its size but how much sugar do we consume daily. There is hidden sugars in a great deal of products we buy daily,such as sodas, bread, canned vegetables,and how much sugar do we put in coffee and tea when we prepare it. There are lots of places we get sugar and don't realize it. Elderly people generally lose some of their taste buds,as growing older seems to have this effect on us so we tend to add more salt and sugar than we should to food to enhance its flavor. Just an observation we probably need less sugar in our diets. Does someone in your family who is an elder seem to use too much sugar or isn't eating right let me know. We could discuss changing eating habits, to give them a healthier ,longer life. Till next time

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