Monday, February 11, 2008


Interesting article in todays newspaper regarding the flu virus. Not surprising that the flu shot that was given for this years outbreak of flu is only about 50% effective. They didn't match the vaccine to the flu strains that are prevelant this year.

I would say that on any given year there is a 50/50 chance that they woulnd't match seeing as how the virus mutes so quickly. To my way of thinking why take the chance of injecting into your body the virus even if it is supposedly a dead strain to ward off the symptons of the flu.

If you are some what healthy and eat right and wash your hands often while out in public places your chances of getting the flu virus are probably not all that great.

Scientist are already gathering to put together a formula for next years vaccine hope its better than this years but there again there is that 50/50/ factor.

The key to all of this is simple eat right, exercise and try to stay away from compromising situations too your health, says easy does hard. Till next time

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