Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Alzheimer's Test

I went to a meeting last night and a local doctor was speaking about Alzheimer's and during his talk a couple of interesting things came up. One there is no definitive test to check for Alzheimer's that will give conclusive evidence of this disease until a post mortam autopsy is done.

However he has had success with two simple tests to determine if this disease is starting in someones life. First have the person draw a clock,a round circle then put the numbers in the right positions this can be difficult for a person starting to have some symptoms of Alzheimers. Second ask the person to name as many 4 legged animals as they can in 1 minute. The usual number will be about 15 for the average adult. If the list is quite a bit lower this could also indicate some problems.

Most people don't recognize the symptoms soon enough for the new medications that are available to work as effectively as they could. So if you have a loved one who you think might be showing some signs of cognitive impairment give them these simple tests and see if you can't get them some help sooner rather than later. Till next time

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