Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Health spending

The money consumers spend on health care is phenomenal. In 2007 as a nation we spent 2.2 trillion dollars and in ten years that number is expected to double. How do we combat this?

We need to take more responsibility for our own health. Taking pills and injections are not always the best answer. As I have posted in previous blogs it is up to us to determine whats right for us. Eating the right foods and exercising is very important this alone would help with the cost of health care.

You don't have to be so structured that you can't have fun with doing the right thing for your body that yes sometimes you can splurge and eat junk food but you can't do it all time and expect to feel good. Eating correctly and exercising will go a long way to improving your health so that you probably wouldn't have to take so much medication or see the doctor as much. That would save you lots of money and time. Just a thought. Till next time

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