Monday, February 4, 2008


It seems to me as we get older things just don't work as well,not just the brain the whole body seems to go thru some remedial adjustments.

The body starts playing tricks on us,it starts to ache in places that as a youth we didn't even know excisted. Knee pain ,elbow pain,back pain even foot pain. how do we over come this relentlass attack on our health.

Some would suggest pills and more pills do the pill thing and you will feel better but is this true. How much damage are you doing in your body by taking all these pills and how much interaction our these pills causing with other pills which in turn is causing other problems in your body. It may take years to find out you have messed up. Not just prescribed pills but how about those vitamins that everyone tauts. Could interaction with vitamins cause problems with interaction. Could taking too many vitamins be bad for your health?

So back to arthritis many people take shark cartilage for this ailment I wonder how this works do sharks have insight into this arthritis thing or are they immune because of some special thing in their cartilage and how many sharks does it take to make a bottle of pills?

Enough of that humor I would suggest that exercise and healthy eating would solve most of our problems health wise anyway,whats your thoughts. Till next time

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